Hello everyone! It has been a long, long time since my last update, hasn't it? Well, I hope at least a few of you will be happy to know that I will be back to blogging again!
My 21st Birthday
With most people turning 21 on a Thursday when you're off work would be a big old fest! But what I did do, was enjoy a low-key birthday party with my boyfriend and two close friends! But of course I had to dress up for the occasion! Here's a rundown of my outfit.
Dress, headband, and earrings: Hot Topic
Blouse and bow: Bodyline
Shoes: Payless
Tiara and arm cuff: Claire's
I surprised myself by how much I liked this coord! Normally I don't combine purple and pink together. They clash too much in my opinion, I much prefer coordinating pink with white, but this came out amazing. I got so many compliments on my outfit! I'm still kinda shocked that I didn't go more all out on my birthday, knowing me, this outfit is rather tame.
In all my birthday ended up being a cute little gathering. I wish I got a picture of the "party"! We played Cards against humanity, drank rosé out of shot glasses (portion control! Anti-depressants and alcohol aren't meant to mix!! Nobody really drank by conventional standards!), and rented a movie that we never got around to watching. Does anybody know if Storks is any good? I'll never know! Oh, and did I mention Hello Kitty ice cream cake????
The Future of This Blog
It's taken me some time to realize this, but I don't want this blog to die. I mean, it kinda already did, but I'm going to do my best to resurrect it.
I started thinking about this blog a lot lately. about why I started it and all that I wanted to accomplish with it. I wanted to touch so many lives and make an impact. I've felt so lost in the past few months and I felt like I needed something to give me immediate purpose, I wish I had turned to my blog then, but I don't want anything to stop me from turning to it now.
Image from my 2016 summer trip to boston. IDK, I thought it looked nice and poetic here. Just roll with it.
I have so many planned ideas I want to share with you all. The next one might just be a DIY! I have a makeup tutorial planned too. On top of that, I have a huge announcement about a lifestyle change that I'm dying to share with you. But the biggest thing of all that I can't wait to blog about is my trip to Japan! I will be traveling to Kyoto, so it may not be all the fun of Tokyo, but going to such a different culture will definitely be blog worthy. If you don't mind, I might also blog about the Hello Kitty food truck from around a month or so ago. It may be old news, but it was truly an unforgettable experience that I want to document and share!
The mental health and personally blogs will trickle in as well. There's just so much I can't wait to share with you guys!
So this blog isn't dead! It's a long way from there! It was just on hiatus and will rise again like the mighty phoenix! If you've been sticking around since the beginning, thank you, and if you're new, you haven't missed much. There's so much to come for this blog and I believe it will do amazing!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy your personal journeys!
Much love! <3
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